Are you seeking to have your skills as a quantity surveyor assessed?

We are the assessing authority nominated by the Australian Government to provide expert advice to the Department of Home Affairs about qualifications and skilled employment experience with respect to the skilled occupation 'Quantity Surveyor' (OSCA 241932, previously ANZSCO 233213).

AIQS only assesses whether you are suitably qualified to work in Australia as a Quantity Surveyor.  For all other visa-related queries, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website or contact them directly.

Please note that it is a serious offence to misrepresent yourself, make false or misleading statements, submit false information or false documentation with your application.  AIQS will report such offences to the Department of Home Affairs.

Please refer to the FAQs for commonly asked questions regarding skilled migraiton.

Assessment Fees

All skilled migration assessment applications, processed by AIQS, must include a payment of the relevant assessment fee and paid in Australian dollars. A credit card surcharge will apply - the % amount is on the application form.

Note that the Assessment Fee is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the assessment.

Assessment SpecificationFee (inc GST)*
Assessment FeeAUD $720.50
Qualifications Only Assessment FeeAUD $610.50
Reassessment**AUD $385
Appeals feeAUD $440

* Applicants living in countries other than Australia are not required to pay the 10% GST component.
** Only applicable within two years of the date of the original positive assessment.
