AIQS has six Australian Chapters and one International Chapter (Region 1 and 2) comprising of Councillors who are responsible for governing their Chapter and ensuring our core functions as a professional body are met.
Australian Capital Territory Chapter
- Adre De Waal MAIQS, CQS
Chapter President - William Binks MAIQS
Chapter Vice President and Treasurer - Ranuka Perera MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (CPD and Education) - Fiona Doherty FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Casual Vacancy
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Alex Trinh MAIQS, CQS
- Chapter Councillor
New South Wales Chapter
- Cameron Beard FAIQS, CQS
Chapter President - Isik Bozdag FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Vice President (Membership) - Terence Wu MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Secretary - Vernol Ulluwishewa MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (Education) - Yuchen Wang MAIQS
Chapter Councillor (Events) - Mike O'Shea FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Casual Vacancy
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - David Duong MAIQS
Chapter Councillor - Todd Nicol MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Casual Vacancy
QSEP Chapter President
Queensland Chapter
- Neil Gall MAIQS, CQS
Chapter President - Mark Freestone FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Vice President (Membership) - Doug Fletcher FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Secretary - Tom Ford FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Treasurer (Membership) - Mark Kilroy MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (Education & Events) - Gary McDonald LFAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (Complaints) - Andrew Brady FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS President) - Paul Roberts FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Simon Foley FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Phillipa Dodd MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Matthew Lee MAIQS, CQS
Councillor - Don Hyslop FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Luke Anthony MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Stephen Bisseker MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Lee Whatmore MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Rachel Yan
Chapter Observer (QSEP President and QSEP Chapter President) - Jason Gray FAIQS
Chapter Observer (University Liaison)
South Australia/Northern Territory Chapter
- Travis Swigart MAIQS, CQS
Chapter President - Deb Marsh MAIQS
Chapter Councillor - Paul Gurr MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (NT) - Joe Wong FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Mason Robb MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director)
Victoria/Tasmania Chapter
- Rebecca Hearn MAIQS, CQS
Chapter President - Kim Luong MAIQS
Chapter Vice President - Trudi Kirk MAIQS
Chapter Treasurer - David Gifford MAIQS
Chapter Secretary - Mei Lew MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (Membership) - Snow Chi MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (CPD) - Jacob Warne MAIQS
Chapter Councillor (Education) - Olivier Choo MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (Standards) - Stuart Gillies MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Jane Northey MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Rod Anderson MAIQS
Chapter Councillor - Don Leelarathne FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Kong Yap FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Krissy Chin MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Tim Rice
Chapter Observer (QSEP Vice-President and QSEP Chapter President)
Western Australia Chapter
- Chanaka Ratnasekara FAIQS, CQS
Chapter President - Paul Shanley MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Vice President and Treasurer - Jake Sanders MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Secretary - Joseph Grima MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (Membership and CPD) - Stephen Warne FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Mark Bendotti FAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor (AIQS Director) - Clayton Boyd MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - John Stranger FAIQS
Chapter Councillor - Caren Ukang MAIQS
Chapter Councillor - Jonathan Ierace MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Kanan Vinasithamby AAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Kenneth Koh MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Scott Williamson MAIQS, CQS
Chapter Councillor - Vacant
Chapter Observer (QSEP Chapter President)
International Chapter - Region 1
- Ambrose Shim FAIQS, CQS
Region President - Daniel Malacchini MAIQS, CQS
Region Vice President - Alex Hung FAIQS, CQS
Region Secretary - Amanda Ng MAIQS, CQS
Region Treasurer - Stanley Chang MAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor (AIQS Director) - Julie Dela Cruz FAIQS, CQS
- Region Councillor
- Leong Choong Peng FAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor - Peter Ng LFAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor - Peter Tan FAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor - Vincent Chu FAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor
International Chapter - Region 2
- Pradeep Pathmaperuma MAIQS, CQS
Region President - Lokitha Karavita MAIQS, CQS
Region Vice President - Rangajeewa Perera MAIQS, CQS
Region Secretary - Nirooban Vimalanathan MAIQS, CQS
Region Assistant Secretary - Rajitha Dasanayake MAIQS, CQS
Region Treasurer - Sujani Lamahewa MAIQS
Region Assistant Treasurer - Palitha Ratnapala MAIQS
Region Councillor (Education and Events) - Ajantha Premarathna FAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor (AIQS Director) - Hasan Al Zabeel MAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor - John Kunjumon MAIQS, CQS
Region Councillor