Life Fellow membership is the highest honour accorded by AIQS and confers membership on a person for the rest of their life. It recognises outstanding leadership and committed service to AIQS and the profession over many years.
The following members are current Life Fellows:
James Beattie LFAIQS
Dr. Rick Best LFAIQS
Dr. Adrian Bridge LFAIQS
Peter Clack LFAIQS, CQS
Patrick Copping LFAIQS
George Freeman LFAIQS
Walter George LFAIQS
Frederick Hemmett LFAIQS
Michael Hodgetts LFAIQS
Douglas Jensen LFAIQS
Gordon Kinlay LFAIQS
Michael Langley LFAIQS
Paul Lonsdale LFAIQS
John Lowry LFAIQS
Trevor Main LFAIQS
Gary McDonald LFAIQS, CQS
James Mooney LFAIQS
Anthony Ott LFAIQS
Trevor Phillips LFAIQS
Gerry Postmus LFAIQS
Trevor Sanders LFAIQS
Eric Schick LFAIQS
Andrew Scotford LFAIQS
David Summers LFAIQS