Mitchell Brandtman Queensland

527 Gregory Terrace
Bowen Hills, QLD, 4006
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Key Contacts
- +61 7 3327 5000
- lhemming(at)
About Us
Mitchell Brandtman was launched in 1970 with a mission to provide clients with comprehensive, hands on Quantity Surveying and Construction Risk Management Services. With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Cairns and regional representation throughout Australia, we are well positioned to provide effective professional services through market knowledge, innovative thinking and extensive experience.
Cost Planning - Working with Developers, Architects and Contractors to deliver traditional Quantity Surveying Services in a very non-traditional way. We push the boundary on new technology and are at the forefront of creating benefits for our clients.
Financiers' Quantity Surveyor - Our team of industry experts including Quantity Surveyors, Engineers, Programmers and Defects Experts provide construction risk advice, and dedicated Superintendent and Project Management services.
Tax Depreciation and Asset Management - Working with investors, Real Estate, Bodies Corporate and Facility Managers we provide services to owners and managers of income producing properties to allow them to maximise their cash flow and maintain their assets.
Construction Expert Opinion - Our panel of industry experts provide Expert Opinion and Advisory Services relating to all areas of construction. From in-house advice, to mediation, case preparation and supreme court action, our team are practising professionals who mix real world experience with current court experience.
- Arbitration / Mediation
- Asset and Facilities Management
- Asset Cost Management
- Asset Management
- Benchmarking
- Benchmarking - Elemental and Functional (Areas and Costs)
- Contract Administration
- Contract Asset Management
- Contract Claims Advice
- Contract Management
- Cost Planning and Management
- Due Diligence Assessments
- Elemental and Functional Areas
- Engineering Services Cost Management
- Estimating
- Expert Witness
- Expert Witness and Opinion
- Facility Management
- Feasibility Studies
- Insurance Replacement Valuations
- Life Cycle Costing
- Project / Construction Management
- Risk Management
- Sinking Fund Analysis
- Specification Writing
- Sustainability Consulting
- Tax Depreciation (Commercial)
- Tax Depreciation (Domestic and Commercial)
- Tax Depreciation (Domestic)
- Tax Depreciation (Residential and Commercial)
- Tax Depreciation Schedules
- Tender Documentation and BoQ
- Value Engineering and Management
- Value Management
- Airports
- Civic Buildings
- Civil
- Civil Buildings
- Civil Construction
- Commercial
- Due Diligence Assessments
- Education
- Environmental / Sustainability
- Health
- Heritage Listed Projects
- Heritage Works
- Hospitality
- Industrial
- Infrastructure
- Leisure and Hospitality
- Mining
- Mining and Gas
- Oil and Gas
- Power Supply
- PPPs
- Railways
- Residential
- Retail
- Sports and Recreation