The Infrastructure Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of all infrastructure policy matters (protocols, standards, guidance, and/or risk profiles) on behalf of AIQS.
Historically, quantity surveying professionals have provided services on building projects. This Committee is in response to the growing number of quantity surveying professionals providing a range of services on Oil and Gas, Mining, Utilities, and Transport projects.
Role of the Infrastructure Committee
The Infrastructure Committee will develop and provide technical and professional standards advice on matters relating to infrastructure cost management and any other business of AIQS falling within the scope of the Committee’s professional expertise as directed by the Board, including the following matters:
- development of a list of relevant Guidance notes and Publications
- development of Guidance Notes highlighting and minimising risks associated with construction costs for infrastructure projects
- improving member awareness of Infrastructure construction issues
- establishing membership entry pathways (qualifications, experience, competencies, etc) to facilitate the establishment and growth of the infrastructure cost management sector of AIQS (in consultation with the Membership Committee)
- identifying and facilitating the provision of infrastructure project information for inclusion in the Built Environment Economist
- acting as a conduit to, and engaging with, other industry participants in the infrastructure sector.
Committee Members
Mike O'Shea FAIQS, CQS, mbm
Ali Hamka MAIQS, Sydney Metro
Buddhika Jayatillake FAIQS, CQS, Transport for NSW
Kenneth Chiketa MAIQS, CQS, Transport for NSW
Ralph Cook MAIQS, John Holland
John Eaton MAIQS, HKA
Grant Warner, AIQS
Anthony Lieberman, AIQS