Webinar: Explaining the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Policy (Recording Option)
During this webinar, Infrastructure NSW will present an overview of the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Policy and measurement guidance and provide an update on the implementation program, including the resources that will be available to support industry and government agencies.
The NSW Government launched the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Policy and supporting measurement guidance in April 2024, which will become operational in April 2025. The policy embeds consideration of embodied emissions into NSW Government infrastructure decision making processes. Since the launch, the measurement guidance has been adapted for national use, in close collaboration with the Commonwealth Government and other jurisdictions. This national measurement guidance received approval from Infrastructure and Transport Ministers in June 2024, marking a key step towards national harmonisation.
A key aspect of the policy is measurement of embodied emissions to enable their consideration at key decision points. Infrastructure NSW is working closely with Transport for NSW and NABERS to develop an emissions factor library to continue to improve consistency of carbon measurement across both linear and vertical infrastructure.
Join us for a synopsis of the key points of this policy as provided by two of the Directors at Infrastructure NSW.
About the speakers:
Dena Jacobs
Dena Jacobs is an Executive Director in the Strategy Division at Infrastructure NSW, with over 15 years’ experience from across a range of infrastructure and economic policy roles.
Dena leads Infrastructure NSW’s sustainability and energy coordination work programs, including the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery policy and measurement guidance that focuses on reducing embodied emissions in infrastructure delivery. Dena has a background in economics, having previously worked at Deloitte, NSW Treasury, the Bank of England, and the Reserve Bank of Australia.
James Logie
James is a Director of Strategy, Planning & Innovation at Infrastructure NSW, with over 12 years’ experience in a range of roles focused on decarbonisation strategy, policy, and implementation in infrastructure.
James is currently directing the implementation program for the NSW Government Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Policy and its supporting measurement guidance, which will embed carbon considerations into infrastructure decision-making and deliver a consistent approach to measuring carbon across different asset types. His prior roles have been in consulting, most recently at WSP where he embedded decarbonisation across the infrastructure lifecycle, including in planning, procurement, design and delivery
About the webinar:
Cost: $38 (incl. GST) AIQS Members // $50 (incl. GST) Non-Members
CPD: 1 point
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