NZIQS 2021 Conference
5:30pm Wednesday, 30 June 2021
2:00pm Saturday, 3 July 2021
Distinction Hotel
390 Fenton Street
Rotorua, unknown
New Zealand
See map: Google Maps
The NZIQS annual conference is our time to come together to learn, be inspired and discuss the hot topics within our industry. This year’s conference presentations include:
- v Cameron Bagrie, Economist
- v Challenges of building in a Geothermal Environment
- v PWC Commercial Bay – glass fin project, a world first!
- v All things Timber – design, pricing, and manufacturing
- v Engineer to the contract
- v The CCA – use it or lose $$$
- v Strengthening Resilience in the face of Stress
- v Shaun Quincey – Tasman solo rower
*Members of AIQS will receive a special rate of NZ $595.Your Full Registration includes the Wednesday Welcome Drinks, 2 x days Conference Plenary and the Friday Conference Dinner. Rate available until Friday 14th May 2021
For registration and more information, please click here: https://nziqs.memnet.com.au/MemberSelfService/EventBooking.aspx?selectedEventId=348