This year AIQS will be holding our first virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, 19 November 2020. Prior to this meeting, you are required to register your attendance with your own personal unique link, username and pin send via Vero Voting. 

You will be required to select one of two options: 

  1. Attending -  if selected, you will receive another email from Vero Voting providing you with a link to attend the virtual AGM and a reminder closer to the date. 
  2. Not attending - if selected, you will have the option to nominate a proxy on your behalf. 

You have until Wednesday, 18 November to register if you wish to attend and if you are not attending you have until Monday, 16 November to submit your proxy form.




Proposed Change to Constitution: Definitions

AGM 2020 Agenda

AGM 2020 Running Agenda